Teh Meng Dak
CA(M) CPA(Aust)

Poon Sie Wan

Having been working for a number of years as an auditor at a local audit firm, Teh Meng Dak joins the firm as a partner and brings to the firm a wealth of experience in audit, taxation and accounting.
He is a member of CPA Australia and Malaysian Institute of Accountants, and he holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Accounting and Finance from Curtin University, Australia.
E-mail: tehmd.ctwc@gmail.com
Poon Sie Wan has gained experience in audit and taxation fields at a local audit firm and she has a special interest in taxation.
She holds a Bachelor of Art with Honours degree in Accounting and Finance from Anglia Ruskin University, UK.
E-mail: poonsw.ctwc@gmail.com
A small, hard-working consulting firm based in Kota Kinabalu. Established in 2014, we strive to provide affordable and quality accounting services to all businesses.
Harvey Chan CA(M) ACCA
Managing Partner

“We're a small and growing accountancy firm. We look forward to meeting you and your team and helping you define your goals, develop solutions - and realize them! So what are you waiting for, let's meet!"
Harvey Chan, Managing Partner

Harvey started his career as an auditor at Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and he then joined a local audit firm as an audit manager following the closure of PwC's Sabah office. He has gained extensive experience in areas encompassing audit, taxation, company secretarial services and others.
He is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants. He graduated in 2006 from University of Liverpool, UK with a First Class Combined Honours degree in Business Studies and Computer Science. He is also a registered GST tax agent.
E-mail: harveychan.ctwc@gmail.com
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